If the first thing you do every morning is eat a live frog…
“If the first thing you do every morning is eat a live frog, nothing worse can happen to you that day”, wrote Mark Twain. In terms of our day-to-day lives, you can easily relate that frog to the most difficult item on your to-do list. Eating up that difficult – or unpleasant – item should be done first, this saying is seeming to tell us.
Avoiding a task that needs to be accomplished, or leaving a task until the “last minute” and letting panic drive it through, is called procrastination. This can take hold of any area of your life, not just a task on your daily to-do list. It may include putting off cleaning the stove, repairing a leaky roof, seeing a doctor or a dentist. You may wish to delay making a phone call that you believe will be unpleasant or breaching a stressful issue with a partner.
More importantly, for us, is this question: where does procrastination come from? What are the root causes and what can we do about it? I will be unpacking this issue this month but, if you would like to chat about your procrastination issues now, simply give me a call.