What are you reflecting on as we near the end of the year?
“No man is an island,” wrote John Donne, “Entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main”.
And this is certainly true, even today, many years after those lines were first penned. We are part of a whole, we exist within that whole and what we do in and of ourselves may impact that whole.
Still, there comes a time in everyone’s life when retreating to our own “island” is what is needed. We need to spend the time to reflect on our own journey and on our own path. As another year draws to a close, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year that has been, the day that is now, and the time that is to come.
I have journeyed far and wide this year, not just with you, but also within myself. Here are some of the things that I have learned. I wonder if, perhaps, you feel the same way and can find some clarity in these musings, as you find the time to retreat to your own island, for a bit, to learn and to grow.
The biggest learning I have had this year is to listen, intently, without judgement. I have learned that there is no need to talk back. Just as I have the need to be heard, I have learned to respect that others do too, to become more aware of others and what they may be wanting to say.
I have also learned to listen to myself, in the small moments. I have learned to stop and listen to my mind and to my body, becoming aware of where the disconnect is, noticing that if I reconnect to that part of me that is not in sync that I can integrate it and become whole again.
I have learned that it is okay to be me. I have wounds and scars that are healing daily and I know that there are more to come, in the future. I have learned that in dealing with that it helps to be in a place where I can find myself, right now, as that is just where I need to be. Not in the past and not in the future. Just in the now.
And because I am not an island, I know that every person I have come across this year, every client who has opened up vulnerabilities in their own process and their own path in order to heal, has taught me courage and for that I am always humbled in their presence.
Most of all, I have learned gratitude and appreciation for every moment that has showed up and for every lesson that I have learned.
That is my wish for you.
Kindest regards,