For the latter part of last year, I focused very much on the inner child in my writings and the wounded inner child in particular.
We looked at various ways that the inner child in all of us can be traumatised or wounded as we more commonly call it and why these wounds often continue into adulthood.
This spawned my e-book – ‘The lingering wounds of the inner child’ which I now offer as a resource to all who require it and particularly those who consult with me on this issue. My writings then went on to talk about the vital importance of parenting and how so much of the wounding of the inner child results from inadequate or poor parenting, whether intentional or unconsciously, and they culminated towards the end of the year with an article that beckoned you to ask yourself ‘’Are you wounded due to childhood parenting issues?’’
Inner parenting could be a solution
Now, as we stand on the threshold of a brand new year I hope to offer more guidance to all who believe they are victims of being wounded as a child and of course some solutions too. Although articles can never replace the efficacy of personalised one-on-one consultations I hope they at least lead to awareness and the questioning of one’s own specific issues to ascertain if consultation with me would be beneficial.
The questions that this, and possibly follow-up articles, will examine are ‘’Can I re-parent my inner child myself – or is it too late? – ‘’Is it possible to have a second chance (or do-over) by reconnecting with the inner child and assuming the role of the parent I should have had?’’ We have identified the wounds within and spoken about the role of the parent externally, now can we re-meet and re-parent ourselves to learn to love ourselves again?
Fortunately, the answer is yes, we can, and although it is a big subject and it may be an extensive journey that will require the assistance of a trained trauma facilitator here are just a few basic tips to inspire you to go further…

Meet yourself
It is important to go back to your childhood and utilise whatever aids may assist you, your memories, old photographs etc. Try to get to know yourself again through meditation and taking quiet time with your thoughts.
Re-parent yourself
Imagine you are meeting yourself again but this time as the parent, a parent who is loving, attentive reassuring and who understands you. Revalidate yourself, reminding yourself that you are special and important and even if your parents couldn’t see this the parent you are now can.
Examine yourself
Be brutally honest about things that upset and disturb you now – or behaviours that you have never fully understood. Do any of these feelings of anger, rejection, addiction, sadness or helplessness relate to this child you are meeting again? Think about how you, as a parent, could have possibly avoided this and speak to your inner child about it as a loving parent would have.

Let me help
This is just an introduction, so watch this space for more on what re-parenting is, how it works and what forms it takes. In the meantime, if you can identify with this and believe you can benefit from my extensive experience in this field I would love to help you examine it further. I offer several ways, through my business Self and More, for you to begin to heal from the wounding of the inner child and obtain some useful free resources like my aforementioned e-book.
One of these is to embark on my ‘Life alignment’ program, but there are many others and you need only watch this space for more opportunities in 2023 to get the e-book and begin a journey that can give your life, peace, meaning and purpose. Contact me – I am always here to help.
Be safe, be present and always remember to be kind to yourself.
Love and light, as always,
My Special Offers
Get clear on what truly lights you up in 2023, with Life Alignment.
In 2023 there is no need for a new you.
The person you are right now is good enough, but you can be better when you free yourself from the past and welcome more joy into your life.
Gift yourself (or someone else) the opportunity to set your New Year’s intentions with Life Alignment.
Unlock your best life in 2023 with a Soul Plan Reading.
As the New Year has begun, you’ve perhaps started to think about any adjustments you’d like to make to your life. Maybe you’re considering a change in direction, perhaps you’re looking to take part in new activities or maybe you simply wish to say goodbye to bad habits or challenges you’ve faced this year.
Creating new goals and resolutions can bring joy, inspiration, and hope, but they can also bring anxiety and apprehension.
But what if there was another way…
What if there was a way to discover your life’s true purpose?
A Soul Plan Reading can set you on the right path.
Where can you find me out in the world?

Talking from the Heart is my personal blog and – three to four times a month – I write about things that are important to me, and to my world, and hopefully to your world as well. Here is one of my most recent entries.

I started this Blog a little over a year ago, in 2021, and I wanted to be more active on it, bearing my soul. With the year I have experienced, I now understand that I have only been scratching at the surface. My initial purpose was to share my journey and create a space of possibility for myself and knowing that someone else out there will resonate. It seems very apt, though, that I only share when I am ready to “Talk from my heart.”
Carry on reading here.
You can follow me on Instagram and see all of my updates, news and views, and videos on subjects and issues applicable to our daily lives.
All of my programs and services can be viewed here, and you can easily book for any of these.